3 Common Misconceptions About Women in the Bible

3 Common Misconceptions About Women in the Bible

There are a lot of really great books out in the world that have helped me learn about women in the Bible, but to get to them (and more importantly, to dig into what Scripture actually tells us), I have had to wade through a number of stereotypes and tropes. Here are the most common misconceptions I’ve found about women and what the Bible actually says about us.

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Tools for When you Get Stumped While Studying the Bible

Tools for When you Get Stumped While Studying the Bible

God’s word is beautiful and inspired and wonderfully profitable in our daily lives. It is also dense. It is so deep and robust that I expect to still be learning more about it when I meet with Jesus in glory. But in the meantime here on earth, we live in an amazing age for Bible resources. Here are just a few of the places I like to turn when I hit a challenging verse or passage.

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