5 Tips to Get the Most out of Brave and Beloved

Brave and Beloved interior pages: How to Use this Study

Welcome! Meredith Storrs here, author of Brave and Beloved: An In-Depth Study of Women of the Bible. I hope you are enjoying this workbook as much as I have enjoyed creating it. I think about the women of the Bible quite often and just love it when I hear a new perspective or notice a detail from the story that draws me toward God. The book of Hebrews reminds us that Scripture is living and active. That means every time you open your Bible, there is always more to discover. I designed Brave and Beloved as a tool to help you dive deep. Here are five ways to get the most out of this Bible study.

1. Take your time.

Only you know the special chaos that is your life right now. Do you have five minutes before the kids get up and your coffee goes cold? Is your week packed with meetings but you can find long stretches alone on a Saturday? Allow yourself the flexibility to go as slow as you need to really mull over the questions for each lesson. If you need to stay on task in order to meet up with a discussion group, focus on the bold questions in each lesson and come back to the others at a later date. 

2. Maximize the thematic recaps.

These women’s stories are really cool in and of themselves, but I find it even more exciting to see how certain themes connect so many of them. Take time to flip back through what you’ve read at the end of each section and see what topics felt most relevant or meaningful to you. As you pray and reflect, share what you are learning and encourage others with the goodness of God revealed through his word.

3. Make it personal.

It can be really tempting to read the Bible academically. Did I get the right answer? What is the moral of the story? Did I uncover the deeper meaning of a particular word or phrase? I confess that I love the nerdy side of Bible study and often find myself camping out there for quite a while. But don’t forget that the word of God is designed to share God’s story so that we might be enamored by him. Our affection for God and all he has done for us motivates a new way of life. If we rush to know the right answers and try to behave accordingly, we short circuit the way Scripture, through the Holy Spirit, is designed to change our hearts. Sit with the hard questions and take time to consider how they relate to your life.

4. Pray.

The power of prayer truly cannot be understated. How incredible is it that the greatest being in all the universe invites us to speak with him? He hears us in our rejoicing and praise, and even welcomes our lament, sadness, anger, and disappointment. Can you imagine someone really important like a president or queen making time for that? The deepest longings of our hearts are not only safe with God—he is the only one powerful enough to help us with them. And if it’s understanding or wisdom that we desire, James reminds us that we only have to ask and he promises to give it freely!

5. Listen to what others are learning.

Some of the most impactful people in my life have been brothers and sisters in the church who have taken time to share their perspective with me. Whether it is a missionary friend across the ocean, a stay at home mom in the mountains, or a metropolitan business executive, each person I’ve studied the Bible alongside brings her own perspective to the text. Other people notice things I might miss or have life experience that helps me understand God’s word in a new, deeper way. If you can, gather a group to do this study with you or find a friend who will meet you on Zoom for a virtual book chat. Glean from the wisdom of the community around you, and don’t forget to share your insights with them as well.


Don’t have a Copy of Brave and Beloved of your own yet?

Check out this bible study exploring the wisdom and diversity of women in the Bible.