How to Use the Study Tool Synthesis (Plus a Free Download!)

Hi there! Meredith Storrs here, author of Brave and Beloved: An In-Depth Study of Women of the Bible.

Through the course of this book, I’ve introduced seven study tools that can be used when reading any narrative section of the Bible. Tools one and seven encourage deep meditation on the passage as well as personal application, inviting you to process and respond to what you are learning. Tools two and six connect the dots between big ideas about God, people, and the world around us. They reveal God’s intentionality and order, even amid the brokenness from sin. Tools three and five center the voices of the Biblical author as well as the main characters of the story so that we can learn from them. And finally, right in the center of it all, tool four reminds you to keep the main thing the main thing—the Bible is God’s story and what we learn about him will inform everything else we do and think and see.

Once you are done with Brave and Beloved, I’d invite you to explore other parts of the Bible. If there was a story that particularly resonated with you, use the Study Tool Synthesis as a guide to help you think deeply about the book where it was found. Genesis, Exodus, and 1 Samuel can be especially great places to start.


Click on the image to download a printable pdf!


Don’t have a Copy of Brave and Beloved of your own yet?

Check out this bible study exploring the wisdom and diversity of women in the Bible.